Do you want to make a lasting gift to Morgan Hill United Methodist Church? Consider giving to our endowment fund, or including the endowment fund in your will.
An endowment is a way to fund the future of the church, and say to the community that we are here to stay. It is designed so that the interest earned on the fund will pay for part of the church mission and/or operations.
An endowment is a fund where the principal is not used. The principal (the gifts given to the fund) is invested with a professional manager. Only the interest accumulated is withdrawn to be used by the church. The church decides how those funds will be used.
How to give to the endowment
- By check: You may mail a check to the church office, or drop it in the Sunday offering. Be sure to write on the memo line: “Endowment”.
- Online: Give securely through our Vanco giving portal
- In your will: Include MHUMC Endowment as a beneficiary in your will.
Apply for a 2024 Endowment Fund grant
Although our Fund is still very new, it has met the Principal milestone set by the Endowment Committee to allow a portion of the Interest to be used for one or more small projects. This is an opportunity for creative investments in MHUMC’s future. Proposals may benefit the Church physical structure, its worshipping congregation, or the community in which we reside.
If you would like to apply for a grant which is based on the Fund, up to $1,700, please fill out a proposal application and submit it, with the narrative description and budget as requested in the application, to the church office (by mail, email, or drop off in person; see contact information at “Get in Touch”).
This phase of proposals are due to the church office by Sunday, November 3, 2024.