MHUMC is happy to host the annual Piece by Piece Quilters’ “Sew Whimsy” Quilt Show on Saturday, September 21 (10am-5pm), and Sunday, September 22 (10am-3pm), in our sanctuary and Fellowship Hall.  The lively quilts are showcased beautifully on the pressed-tin walls, draped over the historic pews, and hung around the Fellowship Hall walls.  Admission is free, and there are opportunities to purchase items from a boutique or enter a raffle for baskets of goodies. Due to the schedule of the quilt show, the Sunday worship service will start at 9am (instead of the usual 10am).  This will allow us to re-display the quilts on theRead More →

Holy Week is the week beginning on Palm Sunday through Easter.  Here are the events of Holy Week. Palm Sunday (March 24): we celebrate Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem.  The crowds waved palms and sang “halleluiahs.”  We will have a parade with the children to recall that entry.  This day begins the last week of Jesus’ earthly life. Maundy Thursday (March 28): We remember Jesus’ last Supper with his disciples as we celebrate Holy Communion and are reminded of Jesus’ words to the disciples. Good Friday (March 29): On the day that Jesus was crucified we recall the event by walking the stations of theRead More →

At the February 23, 2023 meeting of the Worship Team, it was decided to cease providing recorded worship services online.  During the pandemic, they were instrumental to continuing the sense of community through worshiping together. However, now that we are fully back to in-person worship, very few are viewing the services, and it still takes a large effort to make them happen.  Therefore, after the May 21, 2023 service, after three years of this program, we are no longer recording all services. Many thanks go to Matthew Hendrickson, who has been recording the services since March 2020!  In the early days of the pandemic with fullRead More →

How did you find your faith? Was in conversation with a role-model adult? or in Sunday School? or through a church music program or camp?  Or perhaps on your own, as you tried to sort out science vs. the Bible vs. your experience? Today’s service features Matthew’s personal story of how his faith developed.  It also includes a mini-hymn-sing and other pieces of music that hold special meaning to many MHUMC attendees. Our services are being held with in-person attendance at 10 a.m. Sunday morning.  Today’s service is provided below in its entirety in video format.  Note that closed captioning is available when “CC” appearsRead More →