by Rev. Dr. Linda Holbrook May 1, 2024 was a historic day for the United Methodist Church. The General Conference of the United Methodist Church has been meeting since April 23 and will end tomorrow May 3. Most of the legislation is voted on in the last week of the Conference. Yesterday, the rule against LBGTQia+ being ordained as clergy was voted on to be removed from the Book of Disciple. In addition, the rule against performing same sex marriages was also voted on to be removed. Other petitions to remove all the language about LBGTQia+ are still being voted on. Celebrations broke out on the convention floor andRead More →

On January 3, 2020, a statement was released by a diverse team who had been working toward a proposal to resolve the differences between traditional, centrist, and progressive advocates in The United Methodist Church, with regard to how to include LGBTQ persons in its ministry.  The proposal, called the Protocol, is receiving widespread support.  If adopted by General Conference, it would result in a separation between the traditionalist churches into a new Methodist denomination.Read More →

On February 26, 2019, the General Conference Special Session delegates of the United Methodist Church voted 53% in favor of following The Traditional Plan for ALL United Methodist Churches. This Special Session was exceptionally painful for those of us who know the United Methodist Church in Morgan Hill, CA as an inclusive, reconciling and spiritually progressive faith community. In January, 2020, a “Protocol of Reconciliation & Grace Through Separation” was proposed. See more about it in our “A Way Forward” blog.Read More →