By Darcy Foster, Trustees Chair Our Trustees are responsible for managing the use and condition of our church property.  With a 135-year-old facility, there is always something that needs to be repaired! At the end of 2023, we updated the list of things that needed to be done, and have been working with volunteers and skilled workers (including a team from one of our AA groups) to do the repairs.  At this pace, almost everything on this list will soon be done!  We will then move on to the next group of projects. If you can help with any of the remaining projects, please letRead More →

Our Mission Team is coordinating our support for a family who lost everything in a fire that devastated their apartment building in Hollister on Saturday, January 6, 2024.    The family of three includes a mother, father, and a toddler son.  The mother received burns in the fire and is now being treated with skin grafts; she’s expected to be in the hospital 4 to 6 more weeks.  A friend of the family is helping watch the son while the mother is in the hospital.  See more about the fire in this KION online article. If you can donate clothing and/or gift cards, please bringRead More →

Beginning on January 4, the Mission and Outreach Committee is sponsoring a 5-session Thursday evening supper and study. We will be reading the book “Grace Can Lead us Home – A Christian Call to End Homelessness” by minister and homeless services advocate Kevin Nye. Dates: Jan. 4 & 18, Feb. 1, 15 & 29. Time: 6:00 – 7:30 pm Location: Home of Susan and John Armstrong (for address, please check the Sunday bulletin, the Jan-Feb 2024 Good News, or contact the church office or Susan & John) You will find this very readable book full of practical information and inspiring theology.  (Learn more about theRead More →

Update:  January 2024 We continue to pray for our brothers and sisters in the U.S. and around the world who struggle with hunger, for Bread for the World’s advocacy, and for our members of Congress, as we urge them to do all they can to pursue a world without hunger. Ways we can act: Be ready to respond to Bread action alerts in the coming weeks, as we anticipate harmful bills and amendments to cut funding for nutrition assistance. Keep advocating for a nutritious, equitable, and sustainable Farm Bill by emailing Congressand connecting with your regional organizer about additional outreach.   ( Register for your next regional meeting( to hear updatesRead More →