MHUMC is happy to host the annual Piece by Piece Quilters’ “Sew Whimsy” Quilt Show on Saturday, September 21 (10am-5pm), and Sunday, September 22 (10am-3pm), in our sanctuary and Fellowship Hall.  The lively quilts are showcased beautifully on the pressed-tin walls, draped over the historic pews, and hung around the Fellowship Hall walls.  Admission is free, and there are opportunities to purchase items from a boutique or enter a raffle for baskets of goodies. Due to the schedule of the quilt show, the Sunday worship service will start at 9am (instead of the usual 10am).  This will allow us to re-display the quilts on theRead More →

Free Music Celebration with Ibiza Vibe Fiery Flamenco & lively Latin rhythms with Albert Marques & Frank Flores Wednesday, July 10, 5 to 6pm, at Morgan Hill United Methodist Church Get ready to celebrate the summer season with a live music performance by IBIZA VIBE that will lift your spirits and bring joy to your heart.   Whether you’re a fan of pop, jazz, or classical music, there’s something for everyone to enjoy during this festive event.  So grab your friends and family, have faith in the power of music, and join in the festivities as you soak up the sounds of summer! Donations accepted toward missionRead More →

Holy Week is the week beginning on Palm Sunday through Easter.  Here are the events of Holy Week. Palm Sunday (March 24): we celebrate Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem.  The crowds waved palms and sang “halleluiahs.”  We will have a parade with the children to recall that entry.  This day begins the last week of Jesus’ earthly life. Maundy Thursday (March 28): We remember Jesus’ last Supper with his disciples as we celebrate Holy Communion and are reminded of Jesus’ words to the disciples. Good Friday (March 29): On the day that Jesus was crucified we recall the event by walking the stations of theRead More →

As of April 28, 2024, we are holding a group study of “The Good Book: Reading the Bible with Mind and Heart” by Peter J. Gomes, Chair of the Harvard Divinity School.  This book offers a progressive look at developing relationship with the Bible. Meeting dates (in Wesley Cottage, after the worship service): June 2: Chapters 1 & 2 June 30: Chapters 3 & 4 July 28: Chapters 5 & 6 August 26: Chapter 7 September 29: Chapters 8 & 9 October 27: Chapters 10 & 11 November 24: Chapters 12 & 13 December 29: Chapters 14 & 15 January 26, 2025: Chapter 16 &Read More →