What’s happening in our Morgan Hill UMC Community this week?
Christmas Eve Service
Tuesday, December 24th, 5:30pm
Morgan Hill UMC will gather together at in the Sanctuary for a service that will be a festival of Lessons and Carols. The service will end with the lighting of our own candles as we sing Silent Night.
Come and celebrate the Eve of the birth of our Savior.
Good News For November/December
Check out MHUMC’s latest newsletter at this link. Find out what’s happening, including special spirit-focused worship services in November, and Advent (preparing for Christmas!) in December. Meet new members, remember those recently-passed, and see highlights from the September quilt show and church member wedding. Pay special attention to due dates for the Endowment proposals (Nov. 3) and “Adopt a Family” gifts (Dec. 1).
“The Good Book” bible study will continue in January 2025:
- 01/26/25 Chapter 13 & 14
- 02/23/25 Chapter 15 & 16
- 03/30/25 Afterword
“The Good Book: Reading the Bible with Mind and Heart” by Peter J. Gomes, Chair of the Harvard Divinity School. This book offers a progressive look at developing relationship with the Bible. We will meet the last Sunday each month at Wesley Cottage after Worship. John Braslin will be leading the study. Please contact him if you are interested in participating.
Prayer Shawl Ministry: This ministry is ongoing. If you are interested in knitting or crocheting a shawl, please contact Janet Braslin for the how-to. If you know of someone who would benefit from a shawl, contact Pastor Linda or Denise Melroy.
Pastor Linda Article, “Applying the Golden Rule”: See Pastor Linda’s recent article in the Morgan Hill Times, Religion section “Applying the Golden Rule”. It is a thought provoking look at how the “Rule” applies today, in our own communities. See the full article https://morganhilltimes.com/
Choir: Our music ministry brings together those who enjoy singing and playing instruments. See what we are working on our Choir notes page. From September through June, we rehearse on Monday evenings, 7:00pm to about 8:15pm. On Sunday mornings, 9:15am-9:45am, we practice the special music for that day. If you are not able to attend Monday rehearsals but want to sing on Sunday, let Wanda know, and practice on your own.
Children’s Sunday School: Sunday School meets every Sunday now! Our Sunday School aide, Bennett, assists the volunteer teachers. We still can use additional teachers! If you are able to volunteer at least one Sunday a month, the help would really be appreciated. All curriculum and support will be provided. Please see Jeannie Clayton for more information.
Online Church Directory: We now have our church directory accessible online! Once you set up the app and create your login (using your email address that you provided to the church), you can view contact information for church members, participants, and staff, on your mobile device as well as online.
To get set up, go to your phone’s App store, search for Instant Church Directory, and download the free app. Use your email address listed in the directory to CREATE A LOGIN the first time you use the app. If you’re not listed in the directory, or have trouble logging in to the app, please contact the church office.
Ushers and Greeters Are Needed: Ushers and Greeters are leaders in the church tasked with offering a warm welcome to everyone who walks through our doors and serve in a significant role ensuring the guest experience during worship is exceptional through radical hospitality. This ministry is vital for helping all our guests feel welcomed and to start to create a sense of belonging. If you are interested please contact office@mhumc.com for more information.
Nursery/Preschool Room: It is available for our little ones who are having a little too much fun during the Worship Service. It is a self-service nursery (there is no staff present) but there are toys, books, a crib, changing table, plus, if you need it, there is sound in there so you won’t miss a minute of the service. It is located off the Library directly behind the Sanctuary.
The latest “Good News” newsletter, for March/April is here.
Other notes:
- The 988 Lifeline: This Lifeline provides 24/7, free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones, and best practices for professionals in the United States. 988 is now active across the United States. This new, shorter phone number will make it easier for people to remember and access mental health crisis services. (Please note, the previous 1-800-273-TALK (8255) number will continue to function indefinitely.) Call 988 or visit their website https://988lifeline.org/
- Flowers for the Altar: Janet Tuttle has graciously volunteered to be the chair for the Flower committee. If you would like to help make our church altar beautiful with live flowers (either cut or replantable), please consider signing up for a Sunday to bring flowers. If you would like to bring flowers for a special occasion, please indicate that on the signup sheet that is posted in the Fellowship Hall.
- United Methodist Committee On Relief (UMCOR): When a disaster strikes in the United States, the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) serves as the primary channel for United Methodist assistance. In the short term, UMCOR provides funds to partners to distribute food, hygiene supplies, shelter, and other basic supplies. In the long term, the agency works with local partners toward recovery and reconstruction. The apportionments that our church and other United Methodist Churches donate directly benefit UMCOR. If you’d like more information about how you can help, please see the UMCOR page.
- United Methodist Committee On Relief – Ukrainian Response (UMCOR): As we watch the horrors unfold in Ukraine, if you would like to provide humanitarian assistance to the people of Ukraine in the wake of the Russian invasion of their country, please see this UMCOR page. This fund will provide direct assistance to those in Ukraine as well as assistance to Ukrainians fleeing to neighboring countries.
- Reach Out food collection. We are collecting non-perishable food donations for Reach Out again now that we are meeting in person. This is a wonderful opportunity to give to some of the less fortunate members of our community. Please bring food items to the Sunday worship service and put in the basket during offering, or put food items in a bag and drop the groceries off directly at Reach Out during their operating hours. See more about Reach Out on our Giving page.