Sanctuary, about 1900
Sanctuary, ca. 1900

1893  Morgan Hill Methodist Church began with a donation of $50 cash and three lots on Monterey Road for the church building site from the C.H. Phillips Land Company. Methodists and Baptists share the building, alternating pastors each Sunday. One pastor preaches in Morgan Hill; the other in Coyote, north of Morgan Hill. Public School meets in the sanctuary.

1894   Catherine Stone founds the first Ladies Aid group, a precursor to today’s United Women in Faith.

1895   Machado School opens; public school no longer meets in the church. Church purchases a bell with $85 raised by the Ladies Aid. Construction begins on the church parsonage (now called Wesley Cottage).

Original parsonage, 1900

1896   Mrs. L. P. Walker (the pastor’s wife) loses her wedding ring in an unfinished wall of the parsonage. The ring has never been found.

1898   Congregation dedicates the church building and burns the mortgage.

Morgan Hill Methodist 1903

1901   Rev. J. W. Peters starts the church’s first youth group, the Epworth League.

1906   The church builds a barn for the pastor’s horse. (Later a garage, the barn has been rebuilt and now houses the early elementary class.)

1913   Sanctuary is extended and a kitchen is added.

1918  Congregation purchases a used pipe organ from the Methodist Church in Santa Rosa, CA, for $250, and installs it at a cost of $400 over a two-month period in 2019.  It was a “hand” pump organ, and was so large that an opening had to be cut into what was then the Sunday School room (now the Library) for the back side of the organ, and to access the bellows. Teenagers got to do the pumping of the bellows, and in return they got excused from the sermon. Based on a chalk date on the back of the organ façade (what is visible now), the organ was built before June 1, 1900.

1921  Pipe organ hand pump bellows replaced with electric blower.  Teenagers no longer have an excuse to miss the sermon.

1924   Men’s Club begins with 50 members.


1935   Social Hall is expanded.

1938  Church building is moved west by 17 feet to accommodate widening of Monterey Road.

1950   New Sunday School rooms are added.

1957   Church purchases a new parsonage on Longview Drive.

1969   200 people attend celebration honoring 75th anniversary of the church.

ca. 1980  Pipe organ replaced with new electronic Rogers Cambridge 220-II organ.

1987   Complete restoration begins. Repairs to the bell tower, foundation, and roof improve structural integrity. Painting, landscaping, and interior remodeling enhance the church’s appearance.

Reconciling Ministries2002  MHUMC identifies itself as a Reconciling Congregation.

2012   MHUMC begins the “Sharing the Bounty” Wednesday night community meal program, working together with Martha’s Kitchen food provider. Program ends in 2021 after being put on hold due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

2018  MHUMC celebrates its 125th Anniversary as the Methodist church in mission and ministry in Morgan Hill.

2022  Carillon bell electronic system installed, to replace a previous tape-based system from the 1980s.

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