MHUMC is a Reconciling Church

“Reconciling Ministries Network”Reconciling Ministries is a national grassroots organization that exists to enable full participation of people of all sexual orientations and gender identities in the life of the United Methodist Church, both in policy and practice.”

There is an international movement to do this work in various denominations of Christianity, and probably other faiths. This is very important work because the policy of the United Methodist Church excludes. But United Methodism is about diversity and the votes nationally are now getting very close. It is churches who are willing to stand up and speak that help. And churches who actively include teach others who are often very afraid.

Our church has been active in this movement for more than a decade, both inside our walls to become more welcoming, and outside our walls politically. Gay and lesbian individuals have participated at every level of the church and have held leadership positions from teaching to lay leader and lay speaker.

We are always learning, and in issues of prejudice, always finding new ways we could be more sensitive.

You don’t have to have it all figured out, and you don’t have to agree with the majority’s stance. We invite you into the dialogue.

If you are looking for more information on the movement, check out the Reconciling Ministries Network.

What’s happening with the United Methodist Church denomination?

United Methodists may feel grief as the denomination experiences disaffiliations.

  • This article describes what United Methodist congregations should know about disaffiliation.
  • In this podcast, the Rev. Linda Holbrook, a spiritual director and United Methodist minister, shares tips for healing while explaining compassion is needed during this fragile time.
  • In this article, Crystal Caviness discusses understanding why we grieve and how to grieve at this time in the denomination’s history when some congregations are voting to leave may be key to moving toward a hopeful season for The United Methodist Church and ourselves.
  • In this article, the church court addresses disaffiliation questions.

Our Mission, Vision, and Values

Mission, Vision, ValuesOur Church Vision
Our Vision is to create an INCLUSIVE, RECONCILING and PROGRESSIVE spiritual community that welcomes all people regardless of race, ethnicity, religious background, tradition, gender identity or sexual orientation, based on the teaching of Jesus “to love one another” John 15:17

Our Church Mission
TO BE THE CHURCH, by opening our hearts, opening our minds, and opening our doors.
To welcome Human Diversity with an open heart;
To promote Social Justice with an open door,
To prayerfully explore Scripture, Tradition, Reason and Human Experience, with an Open Mind to the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

Our Church Values
We value new life, so we will live within God’s transforming power.
We value joy, so we will celebrate the gift of God’s Presence.
We value compassion, so we will comfort folks who are in trouble.
We value the power of empathy, so we will open our hearts to people around us.
We value community in our church, so we will be friends to other church folks.
We value those who follow God, so we will reach out in love as we are called.
We value diversity, so we will seek inclusiveness.
We value the ongoing dialogue with Spirit, so we want to be challenged to grow.
We value the power unleashed in community, so we will work together with others in teams.


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