Get your “Good News” newsletter for May-June 2024 here!
- Pastor’s Prose: Expressions of caring
- May 4 & 5: South Bay Singers concert
- May 26-June 2: Bread for the World campaign
- June 2: About United Methodism
- June 7-10, CA-NV UMC Annual Conference
- June 2, June 30, & last Sundays: “The Good Book” book study
- MHUMC Endowment: Growing in interest
- Lessons from our Sunday School children: Heavenly banquet, resurrection joy
- Trustees: Finishing the “Top 10,” working on the “Next 5” – also see here
- Images from Palm Sunday, Easter, and the meal prep session at Loaves and Fishes
- and more!
Please send articles and photos for July-August issue by June 26 to the Newsletter Coordinator.