By Denise Melroy, Mission & Outreach Team
Thank you to all of you who participated in the Bread of the World mission. The letter writing campaign will give a voice from us to our Congress Men and Women before the hopeful passing of the Farm Bill in September.
Cleaning Supplies for Community Solutions clients
The Mission Team has a couple of bins in the Fellowship Hall for collecting donations of cleaning supplies for Community Solutions, a local non-profit that provides critical services for individuals and families who are facing times of crisis. We appreciate your generosity in collecting these supplies. We will be collecting until then end of summer. For more details, see the Weekly Announcements.
July 4 Summer Relief
On July 4th during the parade and other downtown festivities, we had a “fence give-away” for anyone passing by who might need a little help in beating the heat. We had baskets hanging on the front picket fence with water, sunscreen, and other items to help with the heat.
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Calling all you yarn lovers! We are beginning a prayer shawl ministry for those who are ill and in need of a hand knitted or crocheted hug. If you love to knit or crochet and would like to make a few shawls for us to give away, we would greatly appreciate it. Please let one of the Mission Team members know!
Ongoing Missions
Don’t forget our ongoing missions: Coffee on Main and collecting nonperishable food items for the Reach Out Food Bank.
Coffee on Main is a ministry led by Greg Huffman, offering coffee and snacks to day workers who wait on Main Street (just east of Monterey) for jobs.
The Reach Out Food Bank, located on the property of St. Catherine Church, serves individuals and families in the Coyote-Morgan Hill-San Martin area. The number of clients served this year is more than double what it was pre-pandemic. Donations of non-perishable food and fresh garden produce are welcome during open hours, 1pm to 2:30pm weekdays and Saturdays. In addition, volunteers are needed to help receive and sort the food, and to staff the center during open hours. See more info here.