Jesus said we are to love our neighbors as ourselves. But look at how we treat ourselves – do we give ourselves compassion and kindness that we would give others? Does giving compassion to ourselves mean that we are self-centered? This week we explore how we practice self-compassion and the physical, emotional, and spiritual benefits of being kind to ourselves.
Our services are being held with in-person attendance at 10 a.m. Sunday morning. Today’s service is provided below in its entirety in video format.
Our Scripture Reading is Matthew 22:34-40. As he was teaching in the Temple, Jesus was questioned by Jewish leaders. After debating successfully with the Herodians (about whom to pay taxes to), and the Sadducees (about the details of how resurrection works), he was then quizzed by the Pharisees about “The Greatest Commandment.” His answer leveraged the Ten Commandments into a creative answer that is beyond the specific requirements of the law.
Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is the one true Church whose faith we support with our prayers, our presence, our giving, our witness and our service.
Our offering is given to the mission and ministry of MHUMC. Remember our gifts come from us, as the people of God, for the work of God, to the Glory of God in the world.
I invite you to give generously, as we worship God through sharing our gifts, tithes, and offerings.
The message today from Rev. Dr. Linda Holbrook is “Self-Compassion.” Pastor Linda references a book, “Self-Compassion,” by Dr. Kristin Neff. Learn more about the topic and find additional resources at Dr. Neff’s website. |
Weekly Announcements:
See this week’s announcements and bulletin notes here. Information is included on donating to United Methodist Committee on Relief for providing relief in Ukraine and around the world in situations of disaster and humanitarian assistance.
Credits and copyrights
- “Jesus, Name Above All Names” words and music by Naida Hearn. © 1974, 1978 Universal Music – Brentwood Benson Publishing (Admin. by Brentwood-Benson Music Publishing, Inc.). CCLI song #21291, CCLI License #2718708.
- “The Gift of Love” words by Hal Hopson, music trad. English melody, adapt. by Hal Hopson. © Words: 1972 Hope Publishing Company; Music: © 1972, 2015, 2018 Hope Publishing Company. CCLI song #67327, CCLI License #2718708.
- “Sanctuary” words and music by John Thompson and Randy Scruggs. © 1982 Full Armor Publishing Company (Admin. by Peermusic III, Ltd.); Whole Armor Publishing Company (Admin. by Peermusic III, Ltd.). CCLI song #24140, CCLI License #2718708.
- “Jesu, Jesu” words by Tom Colvin, music Ghana folk song, adapt. by Tom Colvin, harm. by Charles H. Webb. © 1969, 1989 Hope Publishing Company. CCLI song #186208, CCLI License #2718708.
- “Clair De Lune” by Achille-Claude Debussy. Public domain. CCLI song #2673293, CCLI License #2718708.
- “Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow” words by Thomas Ken, adapt. by Gilbert H. Vieira; music from Geistliche Kirchengesänge, harm. by Ralph Vaughan Williams. Public domain. CCLI song #1364029, CCLI License #2718708.
- “Trees of the Field” words by Steffi Geiser Ruben, music by Stuart Dauermann. © 1975 Lillenas Publishing Company (Admin. by Music Services, Inc.). CCLI song #20546, CCLI License #2718708.
- All other text on this page © The United Methodist Church of Morgan Hill.