A week after the excitement and wonder of Easter, we are in a new world, with Jesus as the risen Christ. As we look back at the events of Jesus’s life and the days after Easter, we notice that many of the situations that seem to be important to Jesus happened around the dinner table. Perhaps that could be our focus as well – on fellowship, community, and thanksgiving in the kin-dom of God.
Our services are being held with in-person attendance at 10 a.m. Sunday morning. Today’s service is provided below in its entirety in video format.
Our Scripture Reading is from John 20:19-31 NRSV. After the astounding events of Easter, the disciples gathered again in their “upper room” where they had shared their “last supper,” doors locked against anyone who would do them harm. Jesus appeared in their midst and spoke with them – but the disciple Thomas was not there. Thomas expressed his doubt that that had actually seen Jesus. A week later, when the whole group (including Thomas) gathered again, Jesus appeared, and convinced Thomas of his presence. Jesus reminded all that many would believe even though they did not personally see him.
Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is the one true Church whose faith we support with our prayers, our presence, our giving, our witness and our service.
Our offering is given to the mission and ministry of MHUMC. Remember our gifts come from us, as the people of God, for the work of God, to the Glory of God in the world.
I invite you to give generously, as we worship God through sharing our gifts, tithes, and offerings.
The message today from Trish Catalano is “The Holy Thursday Revolution.” Trish shared a post from author Diana Butler Bass. See the text here.
Weekly Announcements:
See this week’s announcements and bulletin notes here. Information is included on donating to United Methodist Committee on Relief for providing relief in Ukraine and around the world in situations of disaster and humanitarian assistance.
Credits and copyrights
- “Spirit, Spirit of Gentleness” words and music by James K. Manley. ©1978 James K. Manley. CCLI song #101393, CLI License #2718708.
- “He Lives” words and music by Alfred H. Ackley. ©1933 Homer A. Rodeheaver. Renewed 1961 Curb Word Music (Admin. by WC Music Corp.). CCLI song #17597, CLI License #2718708.
- “Alleluia, Alleluia” words and music by Donald Fishel. ©1973 International Liturgy Publications. CCLI song #32376, CCLI License #2718708.
- “We Walk by Faith” words by Henry Alford, music attr. to Hugh Wilson. © Public domain. CCLI song #2591911, CCLI License #2718708.
- “Mother Earth” words and music by Eric Kaz.
- “Glorify Thy Name” words and music by Donna Adkins. © 1976, 1981 CCCM Music (Admin. by Brentwood-Benson Music Publishing, Inc.), Universal Music – Brentwood Benson Publishing (Admin. by Brentwood-Benson Music Publishing, Inc.). CCLI song #1383, CCLI License #2718708.
- All other text on this page © The United Methodist Church of Morgan Hill.