Worship service – January 16, 2022 – “Being Maladjusted”

“Go with the flow.” “Don’t rock the boat.” “Be well-adjusted.” These sound like good ways to get along in our community. But today, as we consider the message of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., on Human Relations Day, we note that there are some things in our society that we should never become “well-adjusted” to, including racial and economic discrimination.

Our services are being held with in-person attendance at 10 a.m. Sunday morning.  Today’s service is provided below in its entirety in video format.

Our first Scripture Reading is 1 Corinthians 12:4-11 NRSV.  Paul is explaining to the church at Corinth how and why God gifts varying spiritual gifts to individuals, apparently in answer to questions from those believers. His point is that every Christian is given spiritual gifts, for the purpose of serving others, and they are intentionally not all the same.

Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit; and there are varieties of services, but the same Lord; and there are varieties of activities, but it is the same God who activates all of them in everyone. To each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good. To one is given through the Spirit the utterance of wisdom, and to another the utterance of knowledge according to the same Spirit, to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healing by the one Spirit, to another the working of miracles, to another prophecy, to another the discernment of spirits, to another various kinds of tongues, to another the interpretation of tongues. All these are activated by one and the same Spirit, who allots to each one individually just as the Spirit chooses.

Our second Scripture Reading is Micah 6:6-8 NRSV.

“With what shall I come before the LORD, and bow myself before God on high? Shall I come before him with burnt offerings, with calves a year old? Will the LORD be pleased with thousands of rams, with ten thousands of rivers of oil? Shall I give my firstborn for my transgression, the fruit of my body for the sin of my soul?” He has told you, O mortal, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?

Hymn notes: In today’s service were two hymns that had words that are likely to be new to most. These were designed to relate specifically to Human Relations Day, but are relevant for many situations. See them here:

Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is the one true Church whose faith we support with our prayers, our presence, our giving, our witness and our service.
Our offering is given to the mission and ministry of MHUMC.  Remember our gifts come from us, as the people of God, for the work of God, to the Glory of God in the world.

Make a donation

I invite you to give generously, as we worship God through sharing our gifts, tithes, and offerings.

Man encouraging a childIn recognition of Human Relations Day, we also took a special offering.  Contributions to that offering are forwarded to the larger United Methodist Church, who distributes them to three agencies:

If you wish to give to that special offering, you can do so online here (tick the first box, “Human Relations Day”).

Wanda Garrett
Wanda Garrett

The message today from Wanda Garrett is “On Being Maladjusted.”

The message references a speech given by Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., at Southern Methodist University (Dallas, TX) on March 17, 1996.  The full text of that speech may be found here.

Link to weekly announcementsWeekly Announcements:
See this week’s announcements here.



Credits and copyrights

  • “This Little Light of Mine” words and music by Harry Dixon Loes. Public domain. CCLI song #34680, CCLI License #2718708.
  • “Beloved Child, Beloved Community” Text copyright © 2004 John Middleton. Published by The United Methodist General Board of Discipleship, PO Box 340003, Nashville TN 37203-0003. Website http://www.umcworship.org. Telephone 877-899-2780, ext 7073. This hymn may be downloaded, copied, and used without fee in local church worship with the inclusion of this entire copyright citation on each copy or slide. It may not be reproduced electronically, in print, on a website, or used for profit or republication without permission.
  • “I’m Goin’a Sing When the Spirit Says Sing” words and music Afro-American spiritual, adapted by William Farley Smith. Words public domain, music © 1989 The United Methodist Publishing House (Admin. by Music Services, Inc.) CCLI song #3325265, CCLI License #2718708.
  • “Come, Let Us Dream” Text copyright © 2004 John Middleton. Published by The United Methodist General Board of Discipleship, PO Box 340003, Nashville TN 37203-0003. Website http://www.umcworship.org. Telephone 877-899-2780, ext 7073. This hymn may be downloaded, copied, and used without fee in local church worship with the inclusion of this entire copyright citation on each copy or slide. It may not be reproduced electronically, in print, on a website, or used for profit or republication without permission.
  • “Precious Lord, Take My Hand” words and music by Thomas  A. Dorsey. © 1938 Warner-Tamerlane Publishing Corp. (Admin. by CURB | Word Music Publishing).  CCLI song #3759532, CCLI License #2718708.
  • “I Sing Praises to Your Name” words and music by Terry MacAlmon. © 1989 Integrity’s Hosanna! Music (Admin. by Integrity Music). CCLI song #17061, CCLI License #2718708.
  • “Bind Us Together” words, music by Bob Gillman. © Thankyou Music (admin. by Capital CMG Publishing). CCLI song #1228, CCLI License #2718708.
  •  All other text on this page © The United Methodist Church of Morgan Hill.

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