How often have you made a New Year’s resolution – and found the new behavior lasted only until it became inconvenient? At this time of year, we often make resolutions to do things we think we “should” do, like exercise more, lose weight, or read more. Today we talk about how to make a resolution to follow God’s will instead of following our own intentions, even if it takes us out of our comfort zone. Today’s service includes Holy Communion.
Our services are being held with in-person attendance at 10 a.m. Sunday morning. Today’s service is provided below in its entirety in video format.
Our Scripture Reading is from Luke 2:41-52. (This is the same reading as last week, but with a different perspective.) As a youth, Jesus went with his family to celebrate Passover in Jerusalem, as was their custom. Jesus stayed in the temple, going about his “father’s business.” While he understood it to be God’s will, it caused his family distress when he didn’t travel with them when expected. Sometimes following God’s will takes us out of our comfort zone. The story ends with Jesus returning home with his family, and increasing in wisdom and “divine and human favor.”
Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is the one true Church whose faith we support with our prayers, our presence, our giving, our witness and our service.
Our offering is given to the mission and ministry of MHUMC. Remember our gifts come from us, as the people of God, for the work of God, to the Glory of God in the world.
I invite you to give generously, as we worship God through sharing our gifts, tithes, and offerings.
![]() The message today from Rev. Dr. Linda Holbrook is “The Resolution to End All Resolutions.”
Weekly Announcements:
See this week’s announcements here.
Credits and copyrights
- “I Want to Walk as a Child of the Light” words and music by Kathleen Thomerson. © 1970, 1975 Celebration. CCLI song #89848, CCLI License #2718708.
- “O Sing a Song of Bethlehem” words by Luis F. Benson, music English melody, arr. by Ralph Vaughan Williams. CCLI song #2798408, public domain.
- “This is the Day” words from Psalm 118:24, adapt. by Les Garrett, music by Les Garrett © 1967, 1980 Universal Music – Brentwood Benson Publishing (Admin. by Brentwood-Benson Music Publishing, Inc.). CCLI song #32754, CCLI License #2718708.
- “Lord of All Hopefulness” words by Jan Struther, music Irish folk melody. © 1931, 1982 Oxford University Press. CCLI song #2788717, CCLI License #2718708.
- “Go, Tell It On the Mountain” Afro-American spiritual, words adapt. by John W. Work, Jr.; music adapt. and arr. by William Farley Smith. CCLI song #29080, public domain.
- “I Sing Praises” words and music by Terry MacAlmon. © 1989 Integrity’s Hosanna! Music (admin. by Integrity Music). CCLI song #17061, CCLI License #2718708.
- “Bind Us Together” words, music by Bob Gillman. © Thankyou Music (admin. by Capital CMG Publishing). CCLI song #1228, CCLI License #2718708.
- All other text on this page © The United Methodist Church of Morgan Hill.