Greetings from your pastor, Rev. Dr. Linda Holbrook

Rev. Dr. Linda Holbrook
Rev. Dr. Linda Holbrook, Pastor

Dear Brothers and Sisters of Morgan Hill,

Last Sunday was our first in person worship service since the pandemic, and it was the first time I have been with you.  I thank all of you who came to the service and for the warm welcome I received.  I liked the atmosphere and I hope you did too.

I wanted to take this time to reach out to each of you.  I have been appointed half time to Morgan Hill, and I live in San Jose.  These two things might cause some to think there are obstacles to providing pastoral care.  I want to assure you that I consider one of the highest priorities is to be available for pastoral care.  I serve you. My email is at the bottom of this email and please email me if you want to reach out to me.

I will only be in the office one day a week, generally on Thursday.  If you need to see me, please email me or call me on my cell phone to come in on Thursday.  Of course, I will also be at the church on Sundays, so we could meet after the worship service.  If neither of the times works, please let me know and we will work out something.

I live by a philosophy that says, “People don’t care what you know until they know that you care.”  To get to know you better, Denise Melroy will be arranging a couple of small group gatherings.  I hope you will plan on attending one of the small group gatherings.  If the time doesn’t work for you, please let me know and we will meet at another time.

If you have concerns or suggestions, please share those with me.  I love to share your joys and to be present when you have a problem.  I look forward to being your pastor and to getting to know all of you.

Grace and peace,


Rev. Dr. Linda A Holbrook
Pastor, Morgan Hill UMC

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