Even though we are unable to gather in person yet, we can still participate in Holy Week as a community of faith.
Holy Week worship opportunities
Palm Sunday, March 28—In this worship service, we rejoice as we remember the joyous entry of Jesus into Jerusalem. Later in the service, we recall the fateful last week of His life.
Good Friday, April 2—“Stations of the Cross” are offered on our website. You may use this as a meditative way to follow the path Jesus walked to the cross.
Easter, April 4—At this special Easter Celebration Worship service, we celebrate the risen Christ. The service will also include Communion.
Good Morning Morgan Hill!
Our intrepid reporter, Katie Cupcake (aka Denise Melroy), brings her Lenten news series to us again this year. Each Sunday in Lent, she interviews someone about their experience meeting or seeing Jesus. Here are this year’s guests:
- February 21: The wildman of the desert, John the Baptist
- February 28: The confused disciple, Simon Peter
- March 7: A bystander reports on Jesus in the temple
- March 14: The scholar, Nicodemus
- March 21: The food-distribution disciple, Philip
- March 28: A roving reporter who witnesses the events of Palm Sunday
At the end of each episode before Palm Sunday, we hear a message from the episode’s sponsor. Watch the services to see who it is!