Phyllis Bellet, an icon of the Morgan Hill community, died quietly on March 17th, 2020. She was 97.
Born and raised in Upper Lake, California. Phyllis settled in Morgan Hill, as a newlywed, shortly after World War II. From that time on, the Morgan Hill community loved and respected Phyllis for her “can do,” “will do,” and “let’s enjoy doing it together,” way of living.
Early on, Phyllis and husband Edmund faced the challenge of parenting a child with disabilities, in an era when many would have given up the struggle. Two more sons followed, making a busy household with 3 boys under the age of 5. The Bellet home became an open door for neighborhood children, with Phyllis being like a second mom to so many. A generation later, “Grandma” Phyllis continued to provide that open door and smiling welcome to all.
Phyllis loved having been born on the Fourth of July and relished the yearly fanfare. On July 4, 2012, Phyllis’ 90th birthday, the mayor of Morgan Hill proclaimed the day to be Phyllis Bellet Day.
Whether at the United Methodist Church, the Morgan Hill Library or later, the Senior Center, Phyllis’s smiling welcome was a constant. She pursued genealogy, tracing her roots back to the 1600s, decades before computers. Phyllis thrived on working in her garden and did so well into her nineties. At the Morgan Hill Senior Center, she was known aptly as #1.
Phyllis is predeceased by both her beloved husband Edmund Bellet and oldest son Stanley Bellet. She will forever be treasured by sons Dennis and Neal, daughter-in-law Laurie, grandchildren Matt, Nathan and Ariel and great-grandchildren Moriah and Zev. Lovingly remembered by countless friends, Phyllis Bellet leaves a lasting, and impactful legacy deeply woven into the Morgan Hill community.
A celebration of Phyllis’s life will be held after coronavirus restrictions have been lifted. Donations honoring Phyllis can be sent to the Centennial Recreation Senior Center in memory of Phyllis Bellet, 171 W. Edmundson Ave., Morgan Hill, CA 95037