Join us for in-person worship services, 10am Sunday mornings.

Worship With Us
Worship With Us

Following the guidelines of Santa Clara County, the wearing of masks is optional.  Of course, those who wish to wear masks for any reason may do so. For health reasons, some attendees may refrain from close personal contact (like handshakes or hugs) and instead greet each other with elbow bumps or other similarly sanitary means.  It is heartwarming to see so many of our church community again!

Community Collection for September: At MHUMC, we are excited to announce our collection drive for Community Solutions, starting September 1st! We invite all members of our community to join us as we come together to support those in need. Bins will be conveniently located at the back of the church, ready to receive your generous contributions. We are seeking full-size items of shampoo, conditioner, body wash, baby wash, toothpaste, and body lotion.

Piece by Piece Quilters of Morgan Hill Quilt & Fiber Arts Show: September 28, 2024, 10am-5pm, September 29, 2024, 9am-3pm. Morgan Hill United Methodist Church, ADMISSION FREE!

“The Good Book” bible study:

  • 9/22 Chapter 9 & 10
  • 10/27 Chapter 11 & 12
  • 11/24 Chapter 13 & 14
  • 12/29 Chapter 15 & 16
  • 01/26 Afterword

“The Good Book: Reading the Bible with Mind and Heart” by Peter J. Gomes, Chair of the Harvard Divinity School. This book offers a progressive look at developing relationship with the Bible. We will meet the last Sunday each month at Wesley Cottage after Worship. John Braslin will be leading the study. Please contact him if you are interested in participating.

Prayer Shawl Ministry: This ministry is ongoing.  If you are interested in knitting or crocheting a shawl, please contact Janet Braslin for the how-to. If you know of someone who would benefit from a shawl, contact Pastor Linda or Denise Melroy.

Give to MHUMC

Support this historic, caring community of faith.

Reconciling MinistriesYou are welcome!

We are an inclusive, reconciling and spiritually progressive faith community, worshiping in this historic building and uplifting spirits since 1893.  We seek by the Grace of God to be the Church by opening our hearts, our minds, and our doors.  Gay, lesbian, and straight people are fully welcome.

  • Refreshed Pride flag on Wesley Cottage welcomes all

Worship and serve with MHUMC

All are welcome!
All are welcome!
Worship with us
Mission & Ministry
Mission & Ministry
Youth & Young Adults
Youth Ministry